Welcome to the AI Meetings Pages!
AAAI sponsors and cosponsors a number of meetings each year. These educational activities are organized either as workshops, conferences, or symposia. From this page you can find links to the different types of meetings sponsored by AAAI. You can also find information about non-AAAI meetings, which have received AAAI sponsorship or cooperation.
AAAI Conferences
AAAI sponsors and cosponsors a number of conferences each year. The list of cosponsored events changes from year to year. The National Conference on Artificial Intelligence — AAAI's summer national conference — promotes theoretical and applied AI research as well as intellectual interchange among researchers and practitioners. The technical program features substantial, original research and practices. Conference panel discussions and invited presentations identify significant social, philosophical, and economic issues influencing AI's development throughout the world.
For more information about AAAI Conferences, you should consult the following page:
AAAI Workshops
AAAI workshops afford participants a smaller, more intimate setting where they can share ideas and learn from each other's research. Topics for the workshops change each year, and the limited seating capacity and relaxed atmosphere allow for interpersonal interaction. For more information about AAAI Workshops, you should consult the following page:
AAAI Symposia
AAAI's Spring and Fall Symposium Series affords participants a smaller, more intimate setting where they can share ideas and learn from each other's research. Topics for the symposia change each year, and the limited seating capacity and relaxed atmosphere allow for workshoplike interaction.
For more information about AAAI Symposia, you should consult the following page:
Conferences and Meetings Cosponsored or Held in Cooperation with AAAI
In addition to its own meetings, AAAI also cosponsors and cooperates with a number of other organizations each year. Information about these other AI-related conferences, workshops, symposia, and meetings is generally maintained by the organizers of the event. A page containing information and links to these AAAI cosponsored and "in cooperation" meetings is maintained by AAAI:
The AAAI Conference Cooperation program provides promotional support to AI-related conferences who wish to be affiliated with AAAI. For guidelines and information about how to apply for cooperation status, please see the AAAI Conference and Workshop Cooperation Guidelines. For information on AAAI Affiliate Conferences and conferences held in cooperation with AAAI, please consult the AI Meetings page. For information on other AAAI-related conferences, please consult the calendar of events published in AI Magazine.
- AAAI Affiliate, Cosponsored, and Cooperation Conferences
- Calendar of Events
- AAAI Conference and Workshop Cooperation Guidelines
AI Meeting Calendar
The AI Calendar of Events is ongoing feature of AI Magazine. This calendar, which is updated quarterly, contains information about AAAI activities and meetings world wide.